Use an AI Assistant!

Setup the AnythingLLM chat interface for using an AI assistant.

1. Download AnythingLLM

Download the right AnythingLLM version from here


2. Install AnythingLLM

Complete the installation steps

3. Configure Arli AI API in AnythingLLM

Choose the "Generic OpenAI" option as we use a standard OpenAI API endpoint

Put in on the URL textbox

Enter your API key

Enter the name of the model you want to use exactly as it shows on our models page.

Set a context window no larger than the model's maximum and the max token is for how long the replies should be


4. Start chatting!

Click one of the workspaces and send a message!

For more advanced options like chatting with your documents, click here!

Contact Information

Contact us at or use our contact form if you have any questions or need support!